Playground Safety Rules

When it comes to playground safety, there are a number of things one can do to ensure that a playground remains as hazard-free as possible, from removing tripping hazards like exposed tree roots to measuring surfacing material for proper depth. Ensuring the safety of playground-goers should be the top priority of any playground manager. Establishing some ground rules for kids on your playground can help them better understand and hopefully put into action the basic do’s and don’ts of playground safety.

General Playground Safety Rules

1: Don’t get too close to the front or rear of moving equipment
Especially when it comes to equipment like swings and merry-go-rounds, it’s easy for kids to injure themselves if they place themselves too close to moving equipment.

2: Make sure shoes are tied and that clothes don’t have any frayed ends that could get caught on equipment
Proper care should be taken to avoid children’s clothes becoming tangled, as such occurrences can and do turn into entrapment hazards.

3: When getting off equipment, ensure no one is in the way. When jumping (e.g. from an elevated play structure), always bend your knees and land on two feet
This rule helps prevent injuries when kids jump from elevated structures. By instructing kids on proper technique, you can help them not injure themselves while jumping.

4: Don’t play on equipment with slippery surfaces
Shortly after rainfall, it’s important for children to avoid play structures or climbers that contain slick surfaces. Steer kids away from such equipment to avoid injuries.

5: Never play on the playground alone
Depending on the age of the children in question, they should always be sure to play only when supervised either by an adult or a friend.


1: Wait your turn in line before climbing the ladder onto the slide
Most slides are designed only for one child at a time, so make sure kids don’t climb halfway up the ladder while another child is sliding.

2: When sliding, descend feet first and sitting upright, never headfirst or on your back
By ensuring kids follow this rule, you can help prevent accidental head and back injury in the kids who play on your playground.

3: Check the foot of the slide to make sure it’s clear before sliding down
With this rule in mind, kids can avoid accidentally injuring themselves or others while sliding.

4: On excessively hot and sunny days, feel the slide with your hand before climbing to the top
If the slide is overly hot to the touch, instruct kids not to play on the slide so they can avoid burning themselves.


1: Always sit in the swing’s center, rather than standing or kneeling
Standing or kneeling while the swing is in motion is an easy way for kids to fall and injure themselves.

2: Don’t jump out of swings
One of the easiest ways for kids to injure themselves while swinging is to let go of the chains and jump off the swing in midair. This is incredibly dangerous, and could lead to sprains, twisted ankles, or worse.

3: Stay a safe distance from other kids on swings
Along with falling, another injury risk comes when kids approach others who are in the process of swinging. If too close, children risk getting hit in the face or body by those in motion.

While by no means an exhaustive list, these safety tips will help your playground-goers be less prone to injury and have more fun on the playground.